Qur'anic verses in Arabic have reportedly appeared on the body of a Russian Boy

                            Miraculous Russian Boy 

Qur'anic verses in Arabic have reportedly appeared on the body of a nine-month old boy named Ali Yakubov from the Russian Republic of Dagestan. Surprisingly, one of the baby's legs shows the Quranic verse (13: 16) which can be translated as: "Allah is the creator of everything."

Since his birth, birthmarks in the form of Arabic script have been appearing on Ali's body. First, there were individual letters but then Arabic texts began appearing, the Russian-language Vesti news channel quoted his parents as saying on Thursday.

"First, there was a hematoma on his chin. When the bruise went off, we saw the word "Allah" Ali's mother Madina Yakubova said.

The TV channel reported that Ali was first diagnosed with "ischemic heart disease of the second degree" and "infantile cerebral paralysis" in the maternity clinic. However, after the inexplicable events began happening, he was examined again and found healthy.

The incident has been drawing hundreds of Dagestani Muslims to Ali's home everyday, prompting local authorities to guard the house round-the-clock.

                          Another News Report about the Russian Baby
The Yakubov family which lives in the village of Krasnoktia prskaya in the region of Kizlar in Dagestan gave birth to a strange baby. On various parts of his body appeared religious sentences in Arabic language. The parents of Ali who is 9 months old  have now agreed to reveal these writings on his body.
His mother said that these inscriptions have appeared since his birth and at the approach of the sacred month Ramadan, these Koranic verses appeared on the skin. The last verses that we filmed can be translated as Allah (Unique God) is the Creator of everything. When these inscriptions begin to appear, the temperature of the child rises and he begins to cry.
The nurse Rasulova said: " from a medical point of view, I cannot explain that " . The appearances of these Koranic verses remain a phenomenon which one can explain scientifically. All that we can say it is that they appear with an ascent of the temperature. Ali is the 2nd child of this family and we did not notice this phenomenon with his sister and until this day, the scientific authorities remain silent.

         Headline of the daily Telegraph of United Kingdom

Koran verses 'appear' on skin of miracle Russian baby

A "miracle" baby has brought hope to people in Russia.